Friday, December 5, 2014

Vlog#12 Packing for PC

Packing for 2 years of your life can be very stressful. So don't think of it that way! You aren't packing for the next full two years anyway because most items you want to bring can be found in country after all. So focus on stocking up on the things that CANT be found in country…and honestly for Ethiopia that mainly means certain foods/snacks.

and things like

available in country but EXPENSIVE $$$. Many PC females swear by the Diva cup, so I’d say check that out.

Laptop. Ipod. Kindle. Smartphone. some electronics are available in country but they're EXPENSIVE $$$. Also its not wise to mail these items so bring them with you! Bring your smart phone unlocked. PC will give you a sim card for it & most PCVs with smartphones have been able to get internet. Check out apps like WhatsApp or Viber, they allow you to txt / call and leave voice notes to others internationally for free (just make sure the ppl you hope to contact also download the apps)

I also installed Google Voice on my computer & have been able to use it to call or text ppl in the states. Its like skype, but its free & there is no video. You are literally calling and texting peoples cellphones from your gmail account. They can txt you back & it comes to you as an email. I looovee Google Voice.

 you can find SOME in country but from my experience so far, the quality is horrendous. Well the ones you can buy in stores. Spices are also sold on market days, and im sure the quality of those are much better, but unless you can identify the spice by eye, then I’d suggest stocking up at home.

Tap lights. & Headlamp. Both have served me well and i dont think Ive meet a volunteer who regretted bringing them.

Deodorant - I brought like 12 sticks of Dove deodorant and im glad I did. I have never seen any solid stick deodorants in country and Im sure my 12 will last me a full 2 years.
Bath & Body works soaps & body wash are very nice to have when you want to treat yourself every once in awhile.
Hand Sanitizer - the small travel sized ones are great to have

Kitchen appliances
Vegetable peeler
(I found a good knife, & pan in country, although they were expensive)

As far as clothing. I brought like 10 pairs of leggins. Several black pairs but also others with different colors or patterns. They are comfortable, light to pack, easy to hand wash and save you a ton of space in your luggage. Just try to wear them with shirts/dresses and things that cover your butt, so its more culturally appropriate.

Bring 2 or 3 “cute” or professional outfits, so you have something to wear when you go out in Addis or if you’re giving a presentation or working with NGO’s.

Pack more underwear & socks than you think you’ll ever need.
(I brought more clothes than I listed, I just thought I'd mention my favorite clothing items. Long skirts,  & workout clothes are things I'd recommend too)

I know its like in the Peace Corps Bible to  bring a pair of Chacos or Hiking boots, and I think these things can come in handy… if you live in an area where you need them. I didn't get a pair of hiking boots and I dont feel like I need one. I did bring 2 pairs of running shoes that have been wonderful and 1 pair of rain-boots that I also love. My Chacos are good too, I wear them when I have on a long skirt & I know I will be walking far.

PC gives you a grip of medicines & first aid supplies, so dont bother buying them. But I was happy that I brought a bottle of Advil with me. Its nice using 1 thing that is familiar and you dont feel like you have to read the label because you dont recognize the name.

****Remember that during the first 3 months you will be living with a host family. They will be preparing & providing all your meals. So if there are things you want like quality knives, a non-stick pan, spices, etc. Then I’d suggest gathering those items, putting them in a box and leaving it with someone you trust so they can mail it out to you when you move into your new site. PC gives you a weight limit on the luggage you bring with you, so save the pounds & space since you wont be using these items for the first 3 months anyway.******


  1. FIRST OFF LET ME SAY THAT YOUR HAIRRRRR WAS POPINGGGG all up and through that video! Did you do it yourself? Secondly, I enjoyed learning about what to bring or not bring and that I can share this info with folks who want to do peace corp! I had so much luggage to come to new york lol i think if i would of been going to Ethopia i would of had to get rid of a lot of stuff! Great vlog/blog sis

  2. Yeah I did it myself. But I cant take all the credit, my homegirl had a super bomb hair straightner! It did all the work lol BUT it also gave me heat damage -_-
    and im glad u thought the video was ok! Its clearly aimed at other PCVs so I didnt think many fami or friends would watch it lol
