"You reach a certain age and you have to stop thinking about the person you want to become...and just become that person."
Thursday, March 28th @ 1:00pm
I had my 1st Peace Corps Interview :)
Almost 2 months have passed since I sent in my applicaion to when I actually got the interview. So you can imagine how I must have felt the morning of my interview.

This about sums it up.
The interview lasted a little over 2 hours, but the time flew by so fast simply because this is an interview in which you actually get to talk about interesting things...
Why do you want to join the peace corps?
How do you think traveling and immersing yourself in another culture will impact/change you?
Where would you like to serve and live for 27 months of your life? and why?
... so the 2hrs I spent in my interview was mainly due to the fact that I couldn't just shut up, and neither could my recruiter (who was a returned peace corps volunteer that served in Guatemala a few years ago). Its like talking with a friend, someone whose super down to earth, who's interested in exactly what you are, and who 'has been there and done that' already! I got to talk to her about my concerns, what she went through in her time abroad, and what I could expect, and the interview really just made me leave even more pumped and sure about committing to such an amazing organization.
In the end my recruiter basically told me that she was for sure passing me onto the next stage in the application process and that I should expect my Nomination in a few days! :D She also told me that I will for sure be an English Teacher or Teacher Trainer, which allows me to get my Teaching Single Subject Credential through PC service once I return home AND that I qualify for Central and South America :)
I left the PC office like...

It was an exhilarating feeling, I was on a high... I couldn't stop smiling, I had to scream once I got inside my car to release some of that positive energy ! I ran home to tell my Dad about everything and to FINALLY talk to him about the Peace Corps, since it has now become so real and an actual possibility. But when I saw him and the words Peace Corps escaped my lips my dad slowly looked over towards me like..
Yeah...needless to say he is not happy with my decision to become a PCV.
In fact here are the most common reactions I get from some family and friends when I talk about the Peace Corps or any of my traveling aspirations.
When I left for South America for 6 months, June 2012-December 2012.
"How exciting! You're gonna love it and your Spanish will improve so much!"
"Wow six months, super cool Ash, I will miss you!"
"You know they eat dogs out there right?"
"O.o .... 6 months.... you know thats like half a year... "
" Havent you ever seen the movie Hostel?? ...and you STILL want to go?"
Informing them that I'm going to Europe for 3months June '13- September '13
"You're so adventurous! I love it"
"At least this one isn't a 3rd world country. Have fun"
"How are you affording all this?!"
"I think the movie Hostel was actually based on a story that took place in Europe..."
Applying to the Peace Corps and leaving tentatively Jan '14 for +2years.
"So when you return, you will be 27 years old... dont you ever want to get married!?"
"You know.. I think you just need to learn your lesson that traveling isn't safe..Im not saying that I want anything to happen to you but..."
"So...you're dedicating 2 years of your life to be a bum?" (this one made me 'lol')
"What about your boyfriend..."
My reply: "I DO love him but...
..how can I say "No" to such an opportunity? Im young, neither one of us are trying to get married anytime soon...we are both trying to achieve the things we want in life, he totally understands and supports me, and if we are meant to be together then we will end up together... but how can I be sad right now when all I feel is...
The Peace Corps isn't for everyone, it may not benefit others as much as it will benefit me personally, and career wise as a Teacher, or even becoming a Foreign Service English Language Officer. I totally get that, and I'm not surprised when sometimes people look at me funny and wonder why I'm interested in it, or why I'm into traveling at all. Like with my dad, I just learned that sometime its easiest to just sit back and be like...
I had some reactions like that too! Thankfully my dad's on board, it's my mom that still needs some convincing. Goodluck with your application process!