About Me

"God is within her, she will not fail"
                                    -Psalm 46:5

Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Ashley Quarles grew up in a house with 5 siblings. She graduated from the University of California Riverside with a Bachelors in English, is currently working on her Masters in Education; Dual Language Development, and loves using copious amounts of time to take the perfect selfie (like the one pictured to the left, and below...and all over my blog lol). Ms Quarles enjoys teaching, traveling, games of hide and go seek at night, and living her life for, with, by and through Jesus Christ.

Ashley is exceptionally skilled at cracking corny jokes, pranking her friends, reading for days on end, and religiously watching her favorite TV shows.

She's a mediocre cook, a pretty pathetic guitar player, has incredible morning breath and she also enjoys writing about herself in 3rd person. :P

Lets be friends! Add me on FaceBook and Instagam 
Disclaimer: This blog does not reflect the positions of the U.S. Government or the United States Peace Corps.  Just my own awesomness.

1 comment:

  1. I just read your about me and I am rolling you are 3 much for my spirit!!!
