My kids bring so much laughter and joy into my life here. I really don't know how my service would be if I wasn't teaching / working with such wonderful kids.
One thing that I loveeeee to do here is to give test / quizzes.
Because class sizes are so overwhelmingly large, when I give out one of my weekly quizzes I send half of the class outside to sit, while the other half completes the test for 20 min or so, and then they switch.
I think I have a problem.. because I have wayyyy too much fun watching my kids intently and searching for cheaters while they take their quizzes. And there are always cheaters.
My senses heighten, my eyes dart around the room in hopes of locating the cheater. I feel like superman with extra sensitive hearing and vision and my imagination goes into overload as I search for this weeks cheating culprit.

One thing that absolutely makes me crack up is when its time for my students to switch places with the other half of the class that is waiting outside.
I announce that their time is up and there are always, ALWAYS protestors begging for a few more minutes
"Please teacher, I'm not done"
"Koy" wait
"just little time..." they always say.
I usually give them 30seconds or so but after I can no longer wait I begin grabbing up papers. Some students willingly hand their test too me, others continue to beg and they even hide the test under their desk as they see me approach them!
It is also very common for students to refuse to let go of the papers. I grab the top part of their test and pull, and they hold onto the bottom half with this pleading look in their eyes, begging for more time. They chant
"please teacher, please teacher, please teacher..."
and I cant help but laugh at the scene.
The students refuse to hand over their papers without a fight, I pull and they pull, their faces full of worry and fear while they beg, and mine full of amusement. I just cant help but laugh out loud and when I do I always feel like I'm pure evil for enjoying their anguish... but I cant help it.
I can soo picture laughing like Dr. Evil lol smh