Its official. Im obsessed.
and its not a cute obsession either, its like the obsession the middle aged man who lives in your neighborhood seems to have with the nearby elementary school. Its a bad, nasty and very absurd obsession. But I cant help it, the Peace Corps is all that is on my mind lately. I read countless blogs, articles, watch youtube videos... its just *sigh* Its so far away, yet I'm so excited about the prospect of becoming a Peace Corps Volunteer.
This is a looooooooooooooooonnng process. The PC says to apply a year before you're hoping to leave. I applied last week, February 4th on a Monday.
And I cant stop thinking about it.
Who: The Peace Corps (PC) is a US Government agency that places volunteers in over 70 third world countries that need assistance in the fields of Education (me), Health, Business, Environment Agriculture and Community Development.
What: As a volunteer working in the field of Education, I *hope* to be teaching english as a foreign language in the schools in the country I serve in.
When: The commitment to the PC is 27months. 2 years and 3 months.
Where: I'm praying for placement in any Spanish speaking country...but my top 3 are: Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and The Dominican Republic and it wont hurt for you to pray with me.
Why: There are a million and one different reasons I have.. but what sums it up best is this: "You reach a certain age and you have to stop thinking about the person you want to be...and just become that person."
I know this is it, this is the next step in my life and I dont care if you think I'm getting ahead of myself *coughJAMEScough*. I can feel it in my bones and I was so sure about it that I had a conversation with the boyfriend about life in the PC and if he could come with me (which can only happen if we were to get married *yikes*) So that convo was fun... but Im sure hes tired of hearing me rant about it and so... now you see why I turned to blogging >=) The interview with my PC Recruiter should be less than 2 weeks away, soooo
All I can do from here on out is wait. and so the waiting game begins.